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         Aug. 2024

         Welcome Mr. Jian Li to join us.


         Sep. 2023

         Welcome Dr. Zhaorong Zhang to join us.


         Aug. 2023

         Welcome Mr. Wen Zuo to join us.


         Aug. 2022

         Welcome Mr. Cheng Peng and Miss. Haoyan Lin to join us.


         Aug. 2021

         Welcome Mr. Liquan Lin and Mr. Zhaocong Liu to join us.


         Aug. 2020

         Welcome Mr. Haoshu Cheng and Mr. Rui Zhang to join us.


         Aug. 2019

         Welcome Mr. Xiongnan He to join us.


         Aug. 2018

         Welcome Mr. Weifeng Yin to join us.


         Apr. 2018

         Welcome Dr. Muqing Deng to join us.


         Aug. 2017

         Welcome Ms. Panpan Zhou and Mr. Tianqi Wang to join us.


         Aug. 2016

         Welcome Mr. Changran He and Mr. Dong Liang to join us.


         Oct. 2015


Symposium on New Tides of Control Theory and Applications 3-5 October 2015


         Aug. 2015

         Welcome Mr. Shimin Wang and Mr. Xiao Guan to join us.


         Oct. 2014

         Welcome Dr. Yi Yang to join us.


         Sep. 2014

         Welcome Ms. Ying Chen to join us.


         Aug. 2014

         Welcome Mr. Tao Liu to join us.


         Jul. 2013

         Welcome Mr. Junwei Liu, Ms. Yamin Yan and Dr. Song Xu to join us.


         Apr. 2013

         Welcome Dr. Ranran Li to join us.


         Aug. 2012

         Welcome Mr. Wei Liu to join us.


         Sep. 2011

         Welcome Mr. Maobin Lu to join us.


         Sep. 2010

         Welcome Mr. He Cai to join us.


         Sep. 2009

         Welcome Ms. Yi Dong and Ms. Qiping Han  to join us.  



         Sep. 2008

         Welcome Mr. Zhaowu Ping and Mr. Youfeng Su  to join us.         


          Aug. 2008

Miss Lu Liu  has awarded the Guan Zhaozhi Award at the 27th Chinese Control Conference, Kunming, China.

June, 2008

Prof. Jie Huang and Miss Lu Liu attended American Control Conference, Seattle, USA.

March 2006

Professor Jie Huang was presented the prestigious Senior Research Fellowships of The Cruncher Foundation



Oct. 2005

Professor Jie Huang was awarded the Distinguished Lecturer of IEEE Control Systems Society




Copyright @ 1998-2014 ACCL . All rights reserved.

Department of Automation and Computer-Aided Engineering
The Chinese University of Hong Kong